• For most people, the word vacation refers to an opportunity to rest. That is certainly the idea that comes to my mind as well. However, I enjoy balancing that out with visiting the sights and documenting that with pictures … lots and lots of pictures to be exact. In fact, anyone who knows me typically […]

  • I’m new to the Gram. Instagram, that is. In an effort to develop in my career, I have gingerly climbed out of my safe little cave and crept into the daunting world called social media. So when my boss suggested Instagram, I was a bit reluctant. Just when I became a pro at Facebook, I […]

  • Last week, we found a littler of baby bunnies buried in our flower bed.  My dog had been sniffing around a certain spot and when he began digging, he unearthed this group of babies, huddled together, their eyes still closed.  We managed to transplant them to another area where they could grow undisturbed.  We have […]

  • I was laying flat on my OB-GYN’s exam table when I noticed the sign taped up on the ceiling that read, “I HATE THIS!” I chuckled as I read the words that most women feel but are afraid to voice aloud when they’re about to be examined.  Fortunately for me, it was only a quick […]

  • Today was my day off. When you imagine having  a day off, what do you see? A long, leisurely cup of coffee? A good workout? A nap? Watching a movie? Those are all delightful things.  However, that is not at all what my day off looks like… I usually have a list of things that […]

  • I was sitting at my husband’s desk, very pregnant with our first child, when the results of my exam glared at me from his computer. “Fail” I had taken a major exam that was critical for my career, and we had been waiting weeks for this moment.  A “pass” meant I could move forward.  A […]

  • “Be the woman who fixes another woman’s crown and doesn’t tell the world that it was crooked” I ran across this quote several months ago.  I loved it so much that I posted it on the wall in my closet where I can see it everyday. I love the thought that as children of God, […]

  • In the New Testament, we read several incidents where Jesus cast out demons.  As He approached these individuals, the demons inside of them would cry out to Jesus by name or identify Him as the son of God, begging for mercy. Mark 3:11 (NLT) tells us that Jesus didn’t even have to approach these demons […]

  • My father-in-law recently celebrated a milestone birthday.  He has been my father for the past ten years, and as we prepared to honor him, I was reminded of the impact he has made on me and our family. When I got married, I not only gained a husband, but I also inherited a second set […]

  • This week, I am going to give you a peek behind my screen… For the last few months, I have had a hard time hearing from God. Nothing in my life has really changed- I still have my quiet time in the morning.  I still have my worship music blasting in my car.  I’m not back […]