• We had an inconvenience today…one that required my husband to serve as the family chauffeur. A few weeks ago, while reversing my car into the garage, it scraped against an old bicycle we had laying against the wall. Unbeknownst to me, a part of the car paneling was being pulled apart as I scraped against […]

  • In our home, I am a microwave thinker and my husband is a crock pot thinker.  So, when decisions need to be made or action needs to be taken, I tend to move faster than he does.  He likes the analyze the issue, thinking about it from different perspectives.  I like to go with my […]

  • It was dark, cold, and wet, but the soccer game was still on.  I had hoped they would cancel it, but regardless, I was out there with my coat and gloves to support my daughter under the glare of the massive field lights. She was fierce on the field, running fast and blocking passes. The […]

  • My younger son does a lot of things well, but if there’s one thing he does extremely well, it’s his ability to ask… and keep on asking. Since he was young, persistence has been his strength. And he knows just who to ask. His daddy. “Daddy, can we go get donuts?” “Daddy, can you play […]

  • Can I just be real with you Friend? The past few weeks have been really hard on this Mama’s heart.  There were just some days and some choices which left me overwhelmed. I felt discouraged and all alone as if no one could possibly understand or relate. Then, the Lord ever so gently reminds me […]

  •  She had 2.5 years of time alone with Daddy and Mommy. Toys, bed, kitchen, living room…it all belonged to my daughter. Until one day, her brother came along, and in what seemed like moments, the spotlight was gone. A few years later, another brother entered the picture and took over her space, monopolizing everything, and […]

  • My friend’s fifteen year old daughter greeted us at the door. Her warm smile took me back. Wow! Talk about a mirror image of her mom. When did this happen? As I walked into her house, it only took a second for me to notice my friend’s eclectic style was still everywhere. The wall color, […]

  • “Father, when I feel alone, let me hear your voice calming me, help me feel your presence enveloping me, open my eyes to see your arms holding me, give my heart a peace that calms me, and remind me I am never alone.” God is with you through the fire as spoken through the eloquent […]

  • It’s time for another peek behind the screen- lucky you! This week, I want to share with you the fun that we have been having in the Thomas household. In the last 10 days, we’ve had 2 busted toilets, an “aging dog”, a car in the shop, and been locked out of our house.  The […]

  • Recently, the director of my department left.  He earned a promotion and moved on to an incredible job.  We were all sad to see him go, but as a team, we were excited at this new opportunity that he had been given.  After he gave his notice, he spent the bulk of his time training […]