One of the driving forces of a successful business is service excellence.

In the medical arena, we are called to serve our patients with excellence, not only to ensure that they return to us in the future, but because it’s the right way to treat people.

Over the last year, our organization has asked us to do a few simple things each day to provide excellent care, such as acknowledging the patient, giving them an idea of how long their treatment will take or how long the wait will be.

No one likes waiting long in a waiting room, but it is nice to be updated so that you don’t feel forgotten.

In addition to all this, one important thing they ask us to do is to thank the patient. You would think that the patient should thank the medical clinic for the service rendered.

Instead, the medical team is asked to thank the patient.



The patient could have chosen to go anywhere else, but he or she chose to come see you.

The patient took time to see you when you asked them to.

One physician decided to thank his patients right before the patient left his exam room. In response, he got smiles and looks of suprise.

Weeks later, his surveys showed a high level of patient satisfaction in his office.

It is such a simple thing to do…but has great return.

Giving thanks to…your patient, your nurse, your cashier, your barista, your usher at church, your colleague… shows humility and gratitude.

Who can you thank today?

Most importantly, we thank our Heavenly Father who has given us blessings upon blessings. As David says, “…my cup overflows.” (Psalm 23:5).

Praise and thank God daily, and you will find it even easier to thank the people around you.




by betsy
