I don’t know where you find yourself today, but I want to encourage you to not listen to the lies of the enemy that brings condemnation, fear, shame, and doubt. Jesus took the weight of all of that on the cross when he died. God knows exactly what you are going through and He is
You live life differently when you know you are loved. We all know Daniel from the Bible – and if you’ve seen one too many Veggie Tales like I have, you may be picturing a cucumber right now but that is not the case. Daniel was a solid guy with solid faith but even he
Life can be stressful. Most days, we can roll with the punches. Other days, not so much. I woke up on Friday morning feeling like there was a weight on my chest. I had been dealing with a particular situation and it was beginning to consume me. I had done everything I could. I talked
Here’s a song that I’ve been singing a lot lately. I hope it brings you hope and peace, as it has for me. – Vijoy
This song has been at the top of my playlist this week. It reminds us that if we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, then we won’t be overwhelmed. We can then see things as He sees them. And when we do, we will begin to understand that God still reigns, no matter what is
The first few times that I heard this song, I dismissed it. I remember changing the station to find another song. As it played simultaneously on every Christian radio station one day, I thought ‘Maybe I should listen to these words?’. Such a beautiful depiction of how our God loves his children! ~Shiney Priceless Mirror mirror, mirror
Several weeks ago, during my prayer time, I began to feel discouraged. Has this ever happened to you? I looked at the needs that I had written out before me- not my own, but those of the people closest to me and just began to feel sad. It seemed as though everyone around me was going
An elderly lady walked up to the pharmacy counter and spoke softly to our clerk, “Could YOU help me?…I’d rather HER not…HER kind of people are dirty.” I was the ‘HER’ she was referring to, standing at a distance behind the counter. Aside from being called ‘Comanche’ by a middle school bully, this was my
A hope and a future
As a child, I didn't understand why I had to follow so many rules. As a parent now, I get it. Keeping my room clean, picking up after myself after eating a meal, and being