
Growing up in a Christian home, Anu (Anitha) was saved at an early age. Her career is in clinical research, but her calling is ministry. For years, she served on worship teams and eventually married the cute piano player. In 2011, God called her to start a women’s Bible study and from there, Whispers & Fringes was born. Her heart is to encourage and empower women through speaking, writing and community study. She continues to serve alongside her husband, Lance, in the marriage ministry at Covenant Church.

Joyce is a native New Yorker and enjoys having breakfast and “caw-fee” at any time of day.
Since her teen years, she has felt a tug to leap out of her comfort zone. Such adventures have included teaching Sunday School to young children and pursuing a career as a social worker. Joyce and her husband Shibu share a passion for marriages and seeing couples walk in oneness with God. To round out the fun, Joyce has become a stay at home mom to their three great kids whom she also home schools.

Vijoy grew up in the church and gave her life to Christ at a very young age. She considers it such a joy to be a follower of Christ, as she daily experiences God’s love and sovereignty in her life.
Her desire is to encourage women to trust God and His plan, even when their life takes an unexpected turn. She hopes that God will use her life and her story to bring glory to His name.
She is a proud Texan and has a career as a CPA in the Dallas area.
Outside of work, she loves to spend time at home with her family, or with the wonderful lifelong friends that she has been blessed with. She also loves to cook and bake and can always find an occasion to whip up a sweet treat to share with family and friends.

Binu is probably a lot like you. A woman who relies upon God for everything. She was born and raised in Texas, graduated from the University of Houston and is grateful for her job as a retail pharmacist. Her favorite place to be is at home with her husband and her two basketball loving teenage sons. Binu considers it an honor to serve on the leadership team of Whispers and Fringes. Her sincere prayer is that God would use her to encourage and impart hope and practical wisdom into the lives of women. She wants women to know, they are not alone.

Elizabeth Thomas, “Betsy”, is a woman who is passionate to serve Christ and share her faith with the lost. She was born in Houston, Texas and is the first child of a Chaplain and a Registered Nurse. Her love for kids came from her role as the oldest of four children.
Elizabeth considers it an honor to serve as a pediatrician for children in south Dallas and loves to be a part of their families. She is married to a wonderful husband and has three beautiful children.

Shiney is a wife, mom, sister and friend. She has been married for 15 years and is mom to one four legged child and two, two legged children. She loves Jesus and coffee, both of which fuel her day. She is a physical therapist and uses her skills as a means to spread God’s love and joy to her patients. Being a part of Whispers and Fringes has been life changing for her and she loves the opportunity to share that with others.