Date night for my husband and me is a special evening which we treasure. Whether we go out for dinner or watch a movie, it allows us to connect as we meaningfully share this carved out time together. To be candid, I enjoy dressing up for these occasions.
But I found myself sporting a t-shirt and gym pants with a ponytail on our most recent dates. I had a lot on my mind. I felt bad for looking and sounding like such a mess. But the outcome was the same. We had a great conversation as I poured out what was weighing on my heart and my husband listened, empathized, and encouraged me.
While I did not look or feel my best, I’m so grateful that I was willing to be open and that my husband understood my heart. Our conversation was life-giving and I am quite grateful.
While Jesus was dining at the home of a Pharisee in Luke 7:36-50, a woman entered the home, one who was known as a sinner, to be exact. Verses 37 and 38 tell us that “… she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. As she stood behind him (Jesus) at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.”
This imperfect woman came in offering all that she had. Because Jesus recognized her great love, He forgave her sins and sent her out with peace.
Dear Friend, there are days we may not feel as if we are all put together (physically, emotionally, and spiritually) thanks to stress, disappointment, rejection, or sorrow, to name a few. But, are you willing to give everything you have to the Lord and worship Him, as these lyrics from “Alabaster Heart” by Bethel Music state:
“So here it is, my alabaster heart
I’m keeping nothing back from who You are
No hidden treasure veiled by key or lock
You’re a lifetime worth of worship
And that’s only just the start
Here it is, my every waking day
The minutes, hours, the years of endless praise
For You’re worthy far beyond all I could say
There’s a lifetime worth of worship
In the nuance of Your names
Let it rise like incense
My whole life a fragrance
Every ounce here broken at Your feet
Every breath an offering
My heart cries these lungs sing
Over You, my worthy King of Kings
All my love
All my heart
All my soul
All I own
You can have it all”
Are you willing to hold onto God’s promise in John 14:27 which says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled“