As most of you know by now, I am originally from New York aka the city that never sleeps. So, let’s just say that hustling and bustling run through my veins. There was hardly ever a quiet moment in the near three decades I lived there. We were always on the move with places to go and people to see. In fact, my weekends were busier than weekdays, just jam-packed with one activity after another. It was normal to me and I just figured that’s how life was meant to be lived.

That was the case until the Lord stirred both my husband and me to slow down. What a foreign idea! In fact, it was plain old preposterous to us. But that feeling wouldn’t go away until we finally made some major changes in our lives.

Even once settled in this new way of life, the urge crept up here, there, and everywhere to be busy, busy, busy. Much effort was required of us to resist it. Sometimes, it meant declining an invitation to an event or saying no to an opportunity or simply not planning activities for every free moment. Sounds like crazy talk, right?

But do you know what happened in this process? We found ourselves learning to be content with a slower pace and quiet moments. In fact, it allowed my husband and me to connect at a deeper level. It also taught us to savor precious moments with our children.

Most importantly, this change allowed us to be still in God’s presence. Oh, how sweet it is to just be with the Lord without hurrying or feeling like it is just another box we have to check off our to-do lists. 

I recently heard this song “Linger” by Gateway. It spoke to my heart so deeply and reminded me of the stirring the Lord put in my heart years ago. The Passion Translation of Psalm 46:10 says, “Be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God.”

Dear Friend, I hope this portion of my story encourages you today to truly pause in your quiet time with the Lord, who is our King of kings, and let His sovereignty overwhelm you.

by joyce
