Before you start imagining straight-outta -the-oven hot, cheesy goodness, I’m not talking about the pizza.
I’m referring to the game…well, not the strategic correct way to play it, but the type in which you line all the tiles in a row and watch with satisfaction as each one topples the next one down.
Yes, that one. My kids love to play it that way, and they find innovative ways to line them up. It’s fun to watch.
This week, it felt like we were playing Dominos…except this time, unfortunately, I’m not talking about the game OR the pizza.
One child started the sniffles early this week, and I just knew what was going to happen next. It was only a matter of time before I would be pulling out the thermometer for the next child. And so it happened.
So, we rolled up our sleeves (figuratively), pulled out the masks and sanitizer and began the mission of containment.
Yet, as much as I tried to separate and quarantine my children, they suddenly found an affinity to one another.
Like a magnet.
Keeping sick siblings apart in the same home is a near impossible mission, and while I can’t say we were completely successful in doing so, we survived the worst part of the illness.
Do you every feel like you’re in a game of Dominoes? One set of events lead to another, which then ultimately leads to the the downfall of something you’re working toward?
Words can do that.
My words have triggered one hurt feeling… leading to another…leading to another, finally leaving me in a heap of regret.
Lies can do the same thing. One small white lie can lead to confusion which leads to misunderstanding which leads to betrayal which ultimately can lead to a severed relationship.
Our words and ideas…even our THOUGHTS have power.
One negative thought can lead down a dark path, whereas an enlightened one can inspire and take someone to new levels.
Tell someone they look nice or that they inspire you or that they have amazing potential. And mean it.
And when you feel a little lie sitting on your lips, try with all your might to suppress it. You don’t want to create a web that you’ll get stuck in.
Let’s strive to be people that have a positive domino effect…on ourselves and on those around us. You will start a chain of events that can change someone’s world.
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 (NLT)