The world feels like such a mess right now. A global pandemic is still lingering. Parents are fearful as they send their children back to school. Afghanistan is in the process of falling to the Taliban. And overall, chaos and confusion seems to be reigning.
And if I’m being completely honest, it feels like evil is winning.
Today I was reminded of the story of Elisha and his servant during the time when Aram was at war with Israel. Elisha prophesied and counseled the king of Israel in such a way that the king of Aram was not able to defeat him. This enraged the king of Aram, so he sent his soldiers to capture Elisha. When the king’s horses and chariots arrived at the place where Elisha was at, Elisha’s servant fearfully told him that they were surrounded and it seemed that there was no escape.
But Elisha told him to not be afraid because there were more with them than there were against them. And then Elisha prayed that the eyes of his servant would be opened so he could see what Elisha saw. And what he saw was that surrounding the armies Aram was the army of the living God….surrounding all of them with chariots of fire. (2 Kings 6: 8-17)
Wow! In an instant fear was turned to faith.
Today as I was feeling the heaviness as I look at the state of the world, my faith was strengthened as I reflected on the truth that God is still on the throne.
May my eyes be opened just as Elisha’s servant, so that I can see that the God of angel armies fights for us too.
~ Vijoy