We play a lot of hide and seek at my house. My kids are 3 years apart, so it’s one game that we can all play together with no drama. The kids really enjoy finding new, tiny places to cram themselves in and fool the grown ups.
Here’s my problem with hide and seek: Many of you who follow us know that I have a four legged child along with my two, two legged children. This four legged child is my first child and sticks closer to me than my shadow. Seriously. So, here’s the deal… We play hide and seek and the dog gives away my location EVERY time!! I hide in the pantry, and he stands right outside of it. I hide in the living room, and he comes and lays right where I am. Just FYI, if you are ever in a sudden death round of hide and seek at my house, here’s a tip- find the dog and you’ll find me.
The last time that we played was hilarious. I had hidden in the kids’ bathtub, standing behind the shower curtain, in the dark. (I know, I know, this is the stuff that adult nightmares are made of! I hear you!!) The dog was laying inconspicuously at the end of the hallway, so he didn’t give away my location. I was the last to be found. The next round, I hid in my shower which is a walk in shower. I really thought that they would find me since I had just done the bathtub on the previous round. I huddled on the ground in the shower, and the dog came and laid on the bath mat, right outside of the shower. For the record, this is his usual spot when I am in the shower. (He’s a stalker, I know.) The others were found and I could hear them looking for me. They came in the bathroom, saw the dog and looked around the closets, bathtub and toilet area. They stepped over the dog and looked through the frosted glass of the shower but still didn’t see me in there. They continued searching through the house. I could hear my 4 year old say “I know that you’re here, but I just can’t find you!”
They finally found me, but it took them a while. (I crowned myself the ‘Queen of Hide and Seek’ after that round.)
I know that there are times in my life where I felt like I have been playing spiritual hide and seek with God. I look around and see no signs of Him in the middle of my chaos. Like my daughter said, I know He’s there, but I just can’t find Him. I need a big sign to point out his whereabouts, just like my dog signals it to my family. A neon, flashing, sign with music would be great. Sometimes I find Him in the search, and other times, I just don’t. A friend of mine is going through fertility treatments. I can’t tell you what round she’s on, because there have been so many. She thinks God is playing hide and seek with her. Health crisis. Joblessness. Divorce. A faith crisis. We are all looking for Him in the midst of our issues.
Matthew 7:7 puts it very simply “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you (NKJV).” That’s it. Seek and you will find. There’s no condition. No stipulation. You will find Him or I guarantee that He will find You.
Just keep looking.