Recently I was overcome with fear and anxiety about a very difficult situation in my life. What I had hoped and planned for was suddenly in question. My stomach was in knots and I barely slept. I woke up the next morning still feeling the heaviness of the uncertainty of what was going to happen. I couldn’t take it anymore. I called up my friend and prayer warrior. I explained the situation to her and just asked her if she could pray.
And pray she did! Through her prayer, I was reminded of God’s great faithfulness in my life. He formed and fashioned the galaxies, and yet he cares enough about the things in my life.
I was reminded that God is not only faithful, but He is the God of the impossible.
After her prayer, I immediately felt my stomach start to relax and the heaviness begin to lift. The anxiety began to diminish and I felt even a fog lift off of me. It was one of the most immediate waves of peace I’ve experienced in my life.
Max Lucado references this peace of God in his book “Anxious for Nothing”. He says “God bestows upon us the peace of God…this is not a peace from God, [but] the very peace of God. He downloads the tranquility of the throne room into our world, resulting in an inexplicable calm.”
This God, who knows all and sees all, holds me in the palm of his hands.
In Isaiah 45, God reminds the people that he made the heaven and earth and the people who live in it. With his hands he stretched out the heavens and every star is at his command.
Yes, this very BIG God is also my friend. He is my defender. He is my source.
People will come and go. Money will come and go. Security will come and go.
But God is faithful to stay with us through it all.
As I was reminded of the power of prayer this week, don’t forget that you have access to this big God too. He is right there. You just have to turn to him. Just ask him to help you. He is near and He will be there for you.
~ Vijoy