As the school year has started for many and will start soon for others, this school year feels like none other.
Most of our children have been home since early March with what has seemed like a long and extended Spring Break.
For us, the school year started 3 weeks ago at home, and beginning today, in person at school.
It has been hard to not have some level of anxiety about whether I made the right decision to send them back to regular classroom learning. Ultimately I am reminded that I can do my part to be careful and take precautions (as we are), but my children are the Lord’s and He is watching over them.
Our church released a prayer of blessing a few weeks ago for our children that I have been praying over them. It is straight from scripture and a great prayer if you need an example to help guide you.
As you pray for your children, consider praying scriptures fit specifically for each of your children’s unique personalities and challenges. I believe there’s nothing more powerful than praying the Word of God over them.
I am believing for a great school year for all of our children as we make the best of a challenging situation. As crazy as it has been, and continues to be, God is still on the throne, and He still has us and our children in His hands.
~ Vijoy
PC: Covenant Church