Attending a basketball game may not seem very spiritual…but it can be.

Last week, our church’s youth director (we call him, Pastor Luis) came out to my boys’ high school basketball game.  He didn’t pray at the end or even share a quick ‘Thought for the day.’ He came, did the cool hand shake thing with the boys, met their friends, hung out for a little while after the game and left.
He showed up, not because he had to, but because he wanted to.
You see, my boys love our church. They love the teaching, the people, the diversity, and the worship. They love our pastor, they love our youth pastor…but if you ask them to summarize a message or list all three points of a three point sermon (without looking at their notes) chances are, they can’t…and I can’t either.
But ask them about Pastor Luis showing up to a game…and they’ll fill you in, details and all.
In Romans chapter 1, Paul writes “And I pray that now at last by God’s will the way may be opened for me TO COME TO YOU. I LONG TO SEE YOU so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—that is, THAT YOU AND I MAY BE MUTUALLY ENCOURAGED BY EACH OTHER’S FAITH.” 

The book of Romans is a letter to the church in Rome. It’s content is as rich as it gets- summarizing God’s great plan for redemption. Even so, Paul couldn’t wait TO BE WITH the people of Rome.  To see them… Face to face. As great of a preacher and writer as the Apostle Paul was, he knew the value of being there for one another.

I love technology (and I bet Paul would have loved it too). Texting is usually easier than talking and social media is often easier than socializing…but there’s something so special about connecting with real life people. Picking up the phone and calling someone, hearing the inflections in their voice or showing up to watch a game and cheering each other on.
Now I know we can’t be there for everyone all the time…it’s not practical (nor is it healthy). But a few years ago, I realized I was a little too protective of my time. I was saying ‘No’ without even praying about what I was saying No to. “No had become my easy answer to anything outside my own personal agendas.” (Joanna Weaver)
I knew it was time to prayerfully consider saying ‘yes’ again.
Sermons and Bible teaching are essential nutrients for the soul! But ministry is also about meeting people where they are. It’s about showing up when God prompts you to.  The Apostle Paul wrote about it and Jesus lived it out like no one else.
Attending a basketball game may not sound very spiritual, but it can be… If it’s where God wants you to be.

by binu
