Throughout the years, I admired both my mom and my husband’s mom as I watched them do it all. From cooking fresh meals daily (yes, you read correctly!) and raising a family to working as a full-time nurse, they both fit the description of SuperMom. But of all those things, what has left the deepest impression
‘Tis the season for love. Valentine’s Day will be here soon. The day of the year filled with chocolates, flowers, cards. I have spent a few days reflecting on love- not necessarily in preparation for Valentine’s Day- more so as a way to sharpen myself. God’s love towards Adam. When God came to commune with Adam
I was probably in middle school when my dad bought me my first desk. It was a beautiful cream-colored desk with a nice accordion-type cover to keep all my things private with different built-in sections. I kept it for years. The desk sat in front of a window that faced our backyard, the part of
My husband and I had the privilege of celebrating our 17th Anniversary yesterday. While glancing at old pictures and strolling down memory lane, my mind focused on some specific moments: “I know we’re accustomed to living in the Northeast on two incomes, but I could be a stay at home mom if we move to
This has been a harrowing week in my city. Until now, I was a by-stander, watching these events unfold in various parts of America. I always knew that my city was vulnerable but you never know just how vulnerable until it actually happens. So many thoughts have been racing through my mind- What do I
For the last two weeks, these flowers have been sitting on my kitchen counter. Everyone that has come to my house has asked me what I did to get flowers for no apparent reason. I gave them all the same response, “I wrecked the car.” This is met with puzzled looks, especially from the guys.
A hope and a future
As a child, I didn't understand why I had to follow so many rules. As a parent now, I get it. Keeping my room clean, picking up after myself after eating a meal, and being