My family and I have begun a new pastime of watching certain reality shows on television. Before you judge me, let me explain. We have been watching “Shark Tank” and “Undercover Boss”. What has fascinated me about these shows is the story of the successful business person who is able to invest in others. Most of their stories are actually the same: they came from humble beginnings. Some had such a difficult childhood or upbringing, that it’s almost impossible to believe where they are today as thriving millionaires. But that just proves the point that your past doesn’t determine your future.
I believe if we look around us, there are many who have the same story. Maybe it’s the immigrant who achieved the American dream or the one who grew up in poverty and is now wealthy or the one who was abused and now is raising a loving family.
When reading 1 Samuel 16, we first meet David as a shepherd boy. Being a shepherd isn’t a glamorous job. Countless hours are spent outdoors herding sheep. It’s lonely and one is left quite smelly. Apparently, David’s father didn’t think much of him either when the prophet Samuel visited their home and asked to meet his sons to decide who would be the future king. But the Lord told Samuel that David was the one and Scripture shows us that he went from being a shepherd to a king of Israel.
“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; He seats them with princes of their people.” (Psalm 113:7-8) God is able to turn our rags to riches, our mourning into dancing, and our sorrow into joy. He can elevate us when it seems that the odds are stacked against us. Thank You Lord!
But what stands out to me about such stories is that once this exchange has occurred, they don’t just forget where they came from. Rather, they use what they have now been blessed with to help others. Whether it’s the CEO who gives an employee several thousand dollars to overcome a financial struggle or the abused sharing their story to help others heal from the pain, each one is giving generously.
May we use the blessing of elevation to help those in need and be the hands and feet of God.
*Photo credit: Unsplash