Encouraging thoughts from our friend, Renee Thomas.
Driving home from a recent trip to Houston, my family and I turned on the radio. Although we were tuned to the right station, we could only hear static. But as we continued to drive and got closer to the source of the signal, the station became clearer and clearer.
Soon we were listening to and enjoying our favorite songs!
When we started our trip, we were traveling away from the radio station. The farther away we got, the more static we heard. The music began to fade and was soon replaced with only static.
This reminded me of my relationship with the Lord.
Sometimes all I hear is “static” instead of God’s voice because I am not close enough to the “source” or I may be traveling in the wrong direction.
There have been so many times in my life when I find myself getting caught up in life’s “busyness” and I neglect to spend enough time in God’s presence. As a result, I only hear “static” instead of a clear voice or direction. I may miss out on something He wants me to do because I’m not close enough to really listen and obey.
God is so gracious that He always welcomes me back even when I fail Him. All I need to do is turn around and start traveling in the right direction and His voice becomes clearer and His presence stronger.
The Bible says in John 10:27 “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” (NKJV)
Do you hear His voice? Are you close enough to hear Him? Are things staticky or are they crystal clear?
James 4:8 says “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…” (NKJV).
God wants all His children to be up close so they can hear everything He is saying. In fact, He would love for us to sit at His feet and listen. God desires an ongoing conversation with all of us. We often are consumed with trying to get everything done on our “to do list”, especially around the holidays. We fail to take enough time to really sit before Him and let Him guide our steps.
His arms are waiting to embrace you. All you need to do is turn and start heading down the road toward Him, one step at a time.
He’ll take care of the rest.