It was 11pm, my husband was out of town and my home security alarm began to sound. It wasn’t the random chirp of a low battery, it was the steady beep you hear just before the heart racing sound of a full blown siren.
I quickly jumped out of bed and silenced the alarm.
“Did someone just open a window or a door?” I asked my boys (who should have been in bed, but were still snacking in the kitchen).
They assured me, it wasn’t them.
I froze…partly out of fear and partly because I needed a moment to gather my thoughts and figure out what we should do next. Before I could come up with a plan of action, my oldest son said something I had never heard him say before (maybe because he never had to).
“Mama, don’t worry. We got this.”
He then cleared his throat, and in a deeper (and louder) voice than usual, he instructed his brother, “C- Get the gun.” He wanted any possible intruder to know, he was armed.
(Side note: we may live in Texas but the only gun we have in our home is a ‘massage gun’ to help relieve sore muscles)
C (short for Caleb) did as he was told. He grabbed the “gun” and the two scouted every room and checked every window in our home. It was comical (not sure if they were planning to offer the intruder a massage)…and it was also surprising.
I had never seen this kind of boldness come over my boys (they may be 18 and almost 16, but I still see them as my babies). But I guess THIS is what SHOULD happen as we grow.
We begin to understand our authority…and we begin to step into that authority.
In 1 Corinthians 3:2, Paul warns the church…stop acting like babies. It’s time to step it up. “I had to feed you with milk, not with solid food, because you weren’t ready for anything stronger. And you still aren’t ready..”
The past few months it’s as if God has a megaphone and I have been hearing two words over and over again. Boldness and authority.
Hebrew 4:16 tells us “to COME BOLDLY to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”
In the movie War Room, there is a scene in which the main actress, Priscilla Shirer, understands the authority God has given her through prayer. It’s not about bossing God around, it’s about declaring His Word over your life…and proclaiming His Word out loud over your entire household.
Ladies, we have something much more powerful than a massage gun in our hands, we have God’s Word…and with the authority of His Word, I think it’s time we clear our throats and speak up!
I think it’s time to step it up.