From the first year we celebrated the holiday together to our low-key Valentine’s Day dinner last year, we’ve talked about a lot of things in those 18 years.
Our hopes, our dreams, our failures, our successes…
Our least favorite praise & worship song.
Wait, what??
Believe it or not, that was a part of the conversation with my husband, Lance, on Friday night.
When we go out, we usually talk about what has happened that week or try to figure out our plans for the upcoming week. Throw in house stuff, family stuff and other random grown-up stuff and we end up with typical married people conversations.
Even though I always enjoy our time together, I thought we could try something different. I had been working on an ice-breaker for the upcoming Bible study meeting called “Ask Me About…”. Each person is given a card with a particular subject and the people at their table have to ask them about it.
So, I decided to practice on my husband :-). We went through the questions, tried to guess each other’s answers and even found out some new things about each other.
Long after the meal was done, we were still there…just talking. I knew we had been there a while when the hostess came by to make sure we weren’t waiting on anything else.
Have you noticed that when we are with friends, there is an honest effort to make conversation? If we are meeting with someone new, we ask questions so we can get to know them better.
When we’ve been married a while, we lose some of that effort.
This little game wasn’t forcing conversation, it was creating opportunities for new ones.
Do you have dinner plans with your husband on Valentine’s Day? Or maybe a date night coming up? Try some of these questions. You might be surprised at what you will learn.
Ask me about…
- What I would change my name to if I could
- What I do in the car by myself
- What career I wish I had chosen
- Something I do that is just like my parents
You could even make it a little more specific to your relationship…
- The first time we met
- How I knew you were the one
- Our first Valentine’s Day
- What I admire the most about you
Lance & I have the privilege to serve in the marriage ministry at our church. One thing he always tells our couples is to “Stay curious”. As much as we know about our spouses, we have to remember that we are always growing and constantly changing. We can’t assume that our spouses feel the same way about something as they did last year…or in some cases, last week. Stay intentional when it comes to asking questions.
Thankfully, my husband has no plans of changing his name but I did learn some new things about him. If you are wondering what our least favorite worship song is…well, you will just have to ask me about it to find out. ~Anu