At the start of summer, my thirteen year old, began to “play around” a little more on the piano. He would hear a song at church or on the radio, then come home and try to figure out the keys.
The more he played, the better he played. I was pleasantly surprised.
“Wow, Caleb…that’s sounds really nice.”
His response, “Thanks.. I feel like God is moving my hands.”
From the moment I heard him say those words, I heard God say…“I’m moving in you too.”
God confirmed that same message this weekend, as I attended a small women’s fellowship in Round Rock, Texas. Three of our leaders spoke. Their words were so rich, I could have honestly listened to them all day! (If you scroll down on this facebook page, you can hear the teachings).
But my greatest take away from the weekend, was through the gentle spirit of the leader of the women’s fellowship.
Her countenance – humble and meek. (By the way, meek is not weak…my pastor defines meek as strength under control).
After the meeting, we had the opportunity to chat. I asked what inspired her to begin this beautiful fellowship. She explained, “God was moving in my heart. It was like a weight on me. A weight I could not resist.”
The prophet Jeremiah had a similar encounter with God. God not only touched Jeremiah’s mouth, God also infused His words into his mind. From that moment, Jeremiah had no choice but to speak out. He could not resist the weight of God’s Word.
Jeremiah 20:9 – But if I say, “I will not mention His word or speak anymore in His name,” His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones.
My question to you is a simple one. Maybe even too simple. But it’s the one God has been asking me all summer long.
What is God moving in you?
It may not be as obvious as the movement of fingers on a piano…but God is moving. Our hands, our feet, our mouths, our spirits.
God has placed something unique inside each of us, and He wants us to know that.
The creative methods in which He chooses to minister are limitless. From sports to cars to music to _____ (you fill in the blank)…God’s desired outcome is the same- all for His glory.
Like my son, like the humble leader of the women’s fellowship, and like the prophet Jeremiah….God moves in us, so that through us, His glory can be seen.