A few days ago, my youngest daughter decided to put her new slushie machine to use. She had seen this item months ago in the store and asked for it on her Christmas wish list. Now that my daughter had it, the box was opened and there were pieces to assemble on the machine. In addition, she had to measure and mix the syrup for the flavors she wanted. Then, my daughter had to freeze water in the provided mold for ice. Once the ice cube was ready, she had to put it into the machine and manually crank the handle to shave the ice before dispensing the syrup into it.
Everything had been going smoothly until the ice cube had to be shaved. No matter how much force my daughter used, she was unable to turn the handle firmly enough. With the thought of the slushie tantalizing her taste buds, my daughter was eager to complete this process as quickly as possible. Yet, she was at a standstill and wasn’t sure what to do.
Then, my daughter recognized that she could not do it alone. She looked around and sought her Daddy’s assistance. Who could refuse that smile? My husband walked over to her set-up and looked at it as she explained what she had done and where she was stuck. Then, my daughter demonstrated how she was unable to shave the ice. While she kept her hand on the handle, my husband put his hand over hers and they turned it together. Ice shavings began to fall into her cup! As soon as it was full, she proceeded to fill it with syrup and before you knew it, both she and my husband were drinking their slushies together :)
Watching this unfold reminded me of how we walk into a new year. We decide what we want to do and write resolutions or create a vision board. Then, we take steps toward accomplishing it and we work diligently to see it through to completion … unless we get stuck because it’s too difficult or frustrating.
In John chapter 2 verses 1 through 12, we read about Jesus attending a wedding celebration when suddenly the wine had run out. (Can you imagine not having enough after months of planning and preparing??) Mary, Jesus’ mother, brought this problem to Jesus’ attention because she knew they needed His help. While He said the time had not come yet, she told the servers to follow His instructions. Jesus instructed them to fill six water pots to the brim with water. Then, He told them to fill their pitchers and serve the master of the banquet. The water had turned into wine! And according to the master, it was the best!!
Well-intended plans.
But the hand of the Lord is what helped fulfill the plans.
So as you make plans and decide upon goals for 2020, ask the Lord what He wants you to do and then, ask for His help and guidance. May this be the best year/decade yet! “Let all that I am wait quietly before God,” (Psalm 62:5 NLT). “Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life.” (Psalm 54:4 ESV)