We all have these people in our lives.
?People who we wonder if they’ll actually show up when they said they would.
?People who tend to back out of a project after they’ve committed.
?People who promise you something then don’t ever seem to deliver.
People who don’t keep their word.
Yes, things come up and life happens. We all get that. But for these people, that typically isn’t it at all.
It’s usually because they just don’t feel like doing what they said they would do anymore. They had the enthusiasm when they said yes but when the time came, the shimmer was gone and it was less appealing.
?Don’t be that person.
This may mean thinking through things before you say yes. And that’s okay. I would rather someone do that than cancel on me at the last minute.
✨We should be people that our yes will be yes. We should be people who keep our word. ✨
““If you make a vow to the Lord your God, do not be slow to keep it, because He will require it of you, and it will be counted against you as sin.” Deuteronomy 23:21