Back in January of 2019, my sister, Anu, encouraged us to create an ‘altar of remembrance.’
So I did.
And over the past couple of months, my altar (aka- thankfulness jar) has been filling up at an alarmingly faster rate than usual.
In July, my older son recovered from COVID-19. Thank you Jesus! Time to write a note of praise.
In August, God rescued my mom from an unexpected health scare…Praise God! Another entry added to my jar.
And in September, God protected my younger son from what could have been a life altering car accident. Thank you Father!!!
As you can see, every slip of paper in this jar came with a price…moments of praise often do.
Noah built an altar… AFTER ENDURING A FLOOD.
Abraham built an altar… AFTER LEAVING HIS FATHERS’ HOUSE and entering Shechem.
Moses built an altar…AFTER JOSHUA’S ALL DAY BATTLE with the Amalekites (the one which required Moses’ hands to stay lifted up).
You’ve probably heard it before, but it’s something I need to be reminded of often…God doesn’t want His children to develop spiritual amnesia and forget all that He has brought us through. In fact, after Joshua’s battle against the Amalekites, God instructs Moses, “Write this on a scroll as something TO BE REMEMBERED and make sure that Joshua hears it…” In other words, don’t trust your memory, write it down.
You know, if someone were to have come to my house two years ago, emptied out my jar and shown me what was written on these slips of paper, I’m sure I would have gone into panic mode, and pleaded with God to spare me from all of it.
But looking back (not just over the past two years, but over my entire life) would I trade these moments?
As odd as it sounds…probably not. (Did I really just write that?)
That heartache I never thought I’d get over, that class I never thought I’d pass, that boss I just couldn’t see eye to eye with, that Covid diagnosis, that totaled car…
Tough moments indeed… but God moments for sure. For in each of those moments I experienced God in a way I can’t even explain.
I wonder if you could say the same.
So, if you don’t already have one, can I encourage you to build an altar?
It doesn’t have to be fancy…just find an empty jar or container and turn it into an altar of remembrance. And when those God moments take place…take a moment to pause, write a brief note and give God the praise He is due.
“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered…’” Exodus 17: 14a
– Binu