Tomorrow is my youngest son’s 3rd birthday. I still remember the day like it was yesterday. I was 33 weeks pregnant and I wasn’t feeling well. My blood pressure had spiked and my doctor instructed that I come to the hospital to make sure everything was okay. After a being at the hospital and resting for a little bit, my blood pressure came down and I was sure I’d be going home and resting for the remainder of the pregnancy. But the doctor came in and said my lab work didn’t look right and that she had to deliver our baby right away. I remember being in tears and just saying it’s too early…he’s going to come 7 weeks early! We called some of our friends and prayer warriors and they started encouraging me and prayed that the baby and I would be okay. And soon enough, our little bundle of joy had arrived.
Alexander Dominic Joseph was born at 2:30 a.m on October 1, 2013, at just 4 pounds, 5 ounces. His name Alexander Dominic means “Brave Defender of the Lord”. From the moment he was born we could see that fighter spirit in him. Even in the NICU the nurses kept saying that no matter where they put his IV, he would find a way to pull it out. Dominic has come through a lot, but I realize just how perfectly timed his birth was. Psalms 139:16 says “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be”. God had planned all along for Dominic to join our family on the day he was born. We were the ones who were confused and anxious, but God had a plan that was better than ours. From the moment Dominic was born he brought life, love, and laughter into our family at a time when we needed it the most.
I am overwhelmed at how amazing God’s love is for us. It is in those times when we feel like He’s the furthest from us, we will find that He is the closest. Whatever unexpected circumstance you find yourself in today, I want to encourage you to lean into the Lord. Trust that His heart for you is for your good and that in the darkest of times, He is still in control. ~ Vijoy