Do you ever get overwhelmed with worry and anxiety? I know I do. It can be related to something really big, or maybe something small that seems really big at the time. This has been one of those weeks for me. I looked at what needs to get done and the number of hours in the day, and it seemed impossible at times. And what needs to get done doesn’t just affect me…but my family, my work, and others who are depending on me.
There was a time many years ago that I would literally break out with something like hives all over my body whenever I was really stressed. I would be unable to sleep because of worry over the things I needed to get done with work, or school, and the family. Thinking back now, I am shocked at how often I would have this physical reaction to stress on my body.
But something has changed since then. God in His great love has taught me how to lean into Him during those times. The workload hasn’t changed. The stress level hasn’t changed. But I am able now to talk to God very openly about what I am anxious about, and feel His peace wash over me, allowing me to truly trust that God who made the universe and created time desires to help me get through my day without anxiety and without a physical reaction to stress.
It is a peace I can’t explain. And not only peace, but He somehow makes everything work and come together. Sometimes that help comes through a sudden thought in my head that helps me solve the problem that I’ve been unable to solve for weeks. Sometimes it is physical strength to finish what I’m doing, even though my body is tired from not being rested. And sometimes it’s somehow “stretching” the hours in the day so that I end up getting everything done in a way that can only be attributed to God making time stand still for me.
I’ve heard this scripture so many times since I was young… “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7 NLT)…But it’s only now after all these years that I’m seeing how true this scripture is, and how God is faithful to His word.
Whatever you are stressed or worried about today, lean into the Lord. He wants to hear your needs and He is waiting to help you and cover you with His peace. – Vijoy