It was another day in paradise…drugs all over my counter and lots of work still to be done.
(Don’t be alarmed, nothing illegal is going on here…I’m a pharmacist)
Between the front counter, drive thru window, flu shots and prescriptions.. The day was nonstop.
I apologized to the customer standing at the counter. “Hi! Sorry you had to wait.”
“Wow, you guys work so hard,” she commented.
Apparently, this customer had been watching as she waited.
Instead of focusing on herself and her time, she took a step back, and observed what was happening behind the counter. She saw something good and shared it.
There is a character in the Bible who consistently shared the good he saw. He is someone I wish I could’ve sat down and had coffee with. His name is Barnabas. The apostles nicknamed him ‘Son of encouragement.’ (Nothing like a little encouragement to go with that cup of coffee)
Barnabas took the time to find the good in those around him….and tell them. When no one trusted the newly converted apostle Paul (the mass murderer turned missionary), Barnabas made the effort to understand him, and in turn, trusted him. Barnabas wasn’t afraid to go against popular opinion and defend his new friend.
Barnabas wasn’t just a Paul supporter, he was a people supporter. Just ask the young John Mark. Barnabas risked valuable relationships to support, defend and give John Mark a second chance.
Pastor Craig Groeschel states, “One of the most spiritual things you can do is to be an encourager.” For that is the very nature of God, and we are often God’s mouthpiece.
In 1 Corinthians 7:6, Paul writes “But God, who encourages those who are discouraged, encouraged us.”
Pastor Craig continues, “So if you think something good about someone, don’t just think it, say it.”
Your spouse, your parents, your siblings, your children, your coworkers, even that girl behind the pharmacy counter. We all need encouragement.
And if you can’t think of anything good to say to someone. Whisper a prayer and ask God. He created them. He knows the good He has placed in them.
So, take a step back and observe the people around you. And if you see something good, don’t just think it, say it.
Hebrews 3:13 “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today.”