Here’s another installment of books imitating life (or vice versa). Tonight, we get a zoology lesson.
My kids love animals; so we have a ton of books about animals. One of their favorite books is a book called “Predator Splashdown”. The book is a series of battle match ups between various water dwelling animals. They each go head to head to determine a winner. For each “battle”, the book outlines the speed, strength, brains, attack and defense of each animal and then uses these traits to predict a winner. One particular match up taught me a lesson the last time I read it.
The match up is between a Portuguese man of war and an Australian box jellyfish. The two creatures look very similar. Both have a bell shaped body with tentacles that stretch through the water. All of their traits are very similar; they attack their pray by stinging it with their long tentacles. There is one major difference between the two that distinguishes the winner from the loser in this battle. The jellyfish has the ability to propel itself through the water while the man of war just drifts along with the wind and current. Moving through the water with purpose and intention give the jellyfish the upper hand.
Am I just drifting or am I pushing through?
There have definitely been times in my life where I have just drifted along with the current. I know that there have been seasons in my life where I have just sat back and drifted- daring even to say that I was just “letting go and letting God”. As I look back on those times, I can tell you that they have been unproductive and somewhat wasteful. The Bible warns us against just drifting in 1 Peter 5:8– “Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour.” (AMP) My enemy is not drifting- he’s prowling around my life, hoping to catch ME just drifting along- vulnerable and distracted.
God’s plan for us to live with purpose and intention. Are there areas of your life where you are just drifting? (This is for me!) Ask God for a fresh perspective and ideas. We are called to change the world, not just float through it.