Are you a peacekeeper or peacemaker? At first glance, they can seem one in the same but actually, they are quite different.
I struggled with this recently. Someone I occasionally interact with was frustrated with how I handled something and proceeded to let me know exactly what they thought. Their words and tone were disrespectful and unkind. I was surprised by their reaction because we always had a good working relationship in the past. I didn’t respond in the moment but the situation left me feeling unsettled.
I was at a crossroads. Did I want to be a peacekeeper or peacemaker?
Peacekeepers will avoid conflict in an attempt to maintain a sense of peace. Peacemakers will risk conflict in an effort to create lasting peace.
Initially, I rationalized why I should just let it go. I don’t see this person THAT often. Was it worth it? Also, I already know they can be difficult at times. Would it really do any good?
The longer I tried to keep the peace on the outside, I was losing my peace on the inside. So, I prayerfully decided to call the person and talk it through.
Once I shared my concerns, they immediately acknowledged their mistake and offered me an apology. To my surprise, they said it had been on their mind as well and actually thanked me for calling them.
Romans 14:19 ESV So then let us PURSUE what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.
Being a peacemaker isn’t a passive process. In this scripture, the word pursue means to “aggressively chase”. How can you be a peacemaker?
Pray – Ask God if you should “overlook the offense” (Proverbs 19:11) or “confront your brother” (Matthew 18:15). Different situations will call for a different course of action. God will show you the path to take.
Examine yourself – Did you do anything to contribute negatively to the situation? Own it.
Address the situation respectfully – Don’t say something you’ll regret. You are working toward making things better, not worse.
Continue pursuing peace – One conversation may not fix it so keep doing “all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:18 NLT)
Express forgiveness – I’m thankful for the times people have forgiven me when I’ve messed up. I need to do the same for others.
“Blessed [spiritually calm with life-joy in God’s favor] are the makers and maintainers of peace, for they will [express His character and] be called the sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9 AMP)
~ Anu
Photo by Shahan Khan on Unsplash