I was 16 years old when I had the opportunity to shadow a highly intelligent young physician. He had a big smile and was kind.
Watching from the corner of the exam room, I saw how well he interacted with the young child on the table. The mother of the patient sat across the room, listening intently to the doctor’s instructions.
Using basic and simple language, he explained the condition to the child and discussed ways the little boy could feel better at home.
Tying up the visit, the young doctor shared a joke and got a laugh out of his patient. You could see the healing was already taking place.
As we walked out out of the room, I was fascinated by how the physician was able to break down a complicated medical condition so clearly. His explanation of anatomy and physiology in a straightforward manner amazed me.
That experience marked me so much that I decided that I wanted to be a doctor, too. Just like this young physician.
Believe it or not, over the course of my career, I have been able to refer patients to this very physician, who is now a specialist! He has enjoyed many years of a successful practice, and more than once, I’ve shared with him his impact on me.
When Jesus taught his disciples, he taught powerful spiritual truths through everyday examples.
He broke down the “mysteries of the kingdom of heaven” through parables. Using easy- to- understand language, he used illustrations that the people could relate to. We can picture a speck and a log, right?
Take a look at some of the spiritual concepts Jesus was trying to convey through these examples:
forgiveness (Parable of the Unforgiving servant)
glorifying God (Parable of the Lamp)
judging others (Parable of the Speck and Log)
the kingdom of heaven (Parable of the Mustard Seed)
the return of Jesus (Parable of the Ten Virgins)
Pretty heavy stuff, right? I mean, how do you possibly explain forgiveness to a young child without breaking this biblical principle down to its smallest parts?
The disciples even wondered, themselves: Why exactly DID Jesus teach in Parables? Here is his interesting answer:
“He replied, ‘Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. This is why I speak to them in parables: ‘Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.’” (Matthew 13:11-13)
Jesus wanted to teach his disciples the mysteries of heaven, but he also wanted those who were serious about learning more to dig deeper with the help of the Holy Spirit. THOSE are his true disciples.
A few years ago, I was part of a discipleship program through our ministry in which we walked through the entire Bible in a year. It was life-changing. But I still have more to learn.
I have a feeling that even in my 80’s, I will be discovering more and more about Jesus. I’m just now scratching the surface.
Walking with Jesus is just…so much fun!
I faced a new challenge in life just yesterday. I felt overwhelmed and sad, but you know what? I trust Jesus to carry me through it. I don’t know how things will work out, but I know it’ll be okay. I’m not alone.
Are you facing something heavy? Here’s the truth: you don’t need to understand all the theological concepts. You just need to know that God loves you, He cares about you, and THERE IS HOPE.
As you dig deeper into your relationship with Jesus, you will learn His voice, His touch and His overwhelming peace and presence. And those big theological words? It’ll all start to make sense.
It’s really that simple.