Recently, the director of my department left.  He earned a promotion and moved on to an incredible job.  We were all sad to see him go, but as a team, we were excited at this new opportunity that he had been given.  After he gave his notice, he spent the bulk of his time training his replacement.  On his last day, he spent time physically preparing his office for his next in line.  His office had been cleaned out for weeks, so his new additions were obvious to anyone who passed by.   His successor was from our team, and he took a family picture of hers that was at her desk and framed it. He placed it on her new desk, in his old office. He purchased a wax warmer and this lovely smell permeated our department. He bought and hung a clock, strategically placed so that she would leave on time. He celebrated his successor and her new role in the department. It was a great example for all of us.

I know it’s easy to celebrate people when you are moving on to bigger and better, and they are moving into your old spot.  It’s not so easy when the promotion is undeserved.

Enter the brother of the prodigal son.  He can’t hide his anger when watching the celebration his father throws when his spoiled brother returns home.

Jonah does a horrible job of hiding his disdain at the repentance of the people of Nineveh. He told God that he wanted to die. God’s response to Jonah is so delicious, “Is it right for you to be angry about this?” (Jonah 4:4, NLT).  My NLT version says it like this “Do you have any right to be mad about this?” I have asked myself this question many times.  In fact, this phrase is hanging in my closet as a visual reminder for me.

This is the last that we hear of both of these characters. Both of them couldn’t stand to see their counterparts change their hearts and lives.

I don’t want this to be the end of my story.  I don’t want to be remembered as the woman who didn’t have the capacity to celebrate someone else.  I don’t believe that this is what God wants for our lives. When we see someone get the answer to their prayer, we should rejoice with them, knowing that our answer could still be coming.  God will supply all of our needs- He won’t satisfy my need with your request.  There is enough of Him for all of us.  He will never take from your blessing to give to someone else.


by bena
