My Bible reading this past week took me on the exodus out of Egypt with the Israelites. They wandered in the desert, whining for meat, and God provided them with manna. Moses gives them very specific instructions about how much to take and to not keep any overnight.

In Exodus 16:20, it says “…some of them paid no attention to Moses; they kept part of it until morning, but it was full of maggots and began to smell.”

I believe that Moses’s instructions were pretty clear- don’t keep any of it until the next day. And how could these people that couldn’t even follow such a simple instruction? These people!

I don’t know how this entire group of people could be delivered from Pharaoh,witness the miracle of the parting of the sea, follow a heavenly cloud and fire, eat quail in the middle of the desert, and still not believe enough to follow such a simple command. I puffed out my chest and said (to my closet) “I would NEVER do that!”. In one of his recent sermons about this journey, Steven Furtick said that “the miracle got mundane”.


There are definite times in my life when my miracles became mundane. In moments (or weeks) of frustration or fatigue, I forget the miracle that is my marriage, my kids, my entire life. And in those moments (or weeks), I ignore the simple instructions that prevent the other bugs from crawling into my life. You know those bugs, right? Dissatisfaction, bitterness, anger, complaints, full on rage- just me then? Ok.

The only way to prevent this from happening is to remember. The hand of God has moved in every aspect of my life in ways that I could never attempt. Be grateful. Be thankful- not just internally- express it externally.

The song “Egpyt” by Cory Asbury is one of my favorites. The bridge says “You stepped into my Egpyt.
And You took me by the hand.
You marched me out in freedom
Into the promised land
Now I will not forget you, God
I’ll sing of all you’ve done…”

Thank you, Lord, for freeing me from my Egypt. Let me not allow your miracles in my life to become mundane.

by bena
