My friend and I were chatting away on the sidelines of our boys’ basketball game. With college just around the corner, my friend asked if I had any concerns about my firstborn leaving home.
Funny she should ask.
You see, I DID have a concern…but I hadn’t thought to share it with anyone. ‘It is what it is,’ I kept telling myself. Plus, it seemed kind of silly. But since she asked…I told her. And to my surprise, she offered a practical solution!
There is so much we can gain when we are willing to have conversations and allow trusted loved ones to speak into our lives.
The book of Exodus is filled with great conversations…between Moses & God, Moses & Aaron, and even a few awkward ones between Moses & Pharoah.
But my favorite dialogue involves Moses & his father in law, Jethro.
In Exodus chapter 18, Jethro watched his worn out son in law ‘serve as judge for the people, as they stood around him from morning till evening.’
Out of genuine concern, Jethro questioned Moses, “Why do you alone sit as judge….what you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you will wear yourselves out…the work is too heavy….LISTEN NOW TO ME AND I WILL GIVE YOU SOME ADVICE , and may God be with you. Select capable men and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. If you do this, and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain..”
Moses could have said, ‘Thanks, but no thanks. I get my marching orders directly from a burning bush.’
Friends, we are meant to live life in relationships…and to humbly learn from one another.
A friend might not be an expert or have gone through EXACTLY what you are going through, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from them.
Jethro had no experience at leading a nation, but he did know a thing or two about shepherding wandering and clueless sheep.
Think of what Moses would’ve missed out on if he had not given Jethro a place to speak into his life.
Think of what I would have missed out on, had I not shared my concern with my friend. Her solution proved to be a game changer in my sons’ transition to dorm life. ??????
Whatever we are facing today…we don’t have to face it alone. May we humble ourselves and allow trusted friends to speak into our lives.