My daughter and I were at the park playing with the new baseball glove and ball that she received. She was excited about it, and as I threw the ball to her a few times I realized how good of an arm she had. I thought this was interesting, given the glove and ball were initially meant for her brother.
After about half an hour, she told me to make a mean face when I threw the ball to her and she, too, put a growl on her face “because that’s how people play”. So, just to go along with it, I put on my best “don’t-even-think-you’re-gonna-win” face on, and we laughed afterward.
This little fun game made me think about our countenance. Isn’t it interesting that our countenance many times reveals our heart? For instance, let’s say your husband was supposed to run an errand and failed to do it. You are furious, and you just can’t WAIT until he walks through that front door. Come walk over to the mirror with me and tell me what expression your face is likely to show.
Yup- not a warm smile with gleaming teeth.
Our pastor says the first three minutes of an encounter can set the tone for the evening at home. So, just imagine the rest of your evening together. Dinner together would be awkward, right?
What about at church? You just found a comfortable spot near the aisle, and lo and behold, a family of five that you have never met wants to squeeze through the row to sit near you. What is your countenance? What a difference a kind, inviting smile can make to this family. I rode the school bus when I was younger…nothing worse than feeling uninvited when looking for a seat.
You are at a restaurant. The waiter gets your order wrong…for the second time. Would an annoyed look get the order right? Or would a forgiving spirit with a small smile be more Christ-like?
Proverbs 15:13 says, “A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, but when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.”
You may not realize it, but your expression and body language can reveal a lot about your heart. Take a look at yourself in the mirror and ask, “How do I look…do people see Jesus in me?”
If you don’t like the answer, maybe it’s time to check the condition of your heart.