When my son first became involved in sports, he did so through a league for children with special needs. One of the unique aspects of this sports league is how they assigned buddies, who were teenagers, to the athletes in need of assistance when playing. A buddy could be seen helping an athlete swing a bat, running alongside an athlete to get a home run or pushing an athlete in a wheelchair down the football field to score a touchdown. To witness these interactions was heartwarming. It was evident that the athletes were encouraged by their buddies and their selfless help.
There was one buddy in particular whose encouragement and support truly boosted my son’s self-confidence. It drove my son to strive to play as independently as possible. I will always be grateful for these buddies who had faith in children just wanting to be participate in sports like their peers.
In Luke 5:17-26, we read how Jesus was teaching and healing. There was a paralyzed man whose friends decided to carry him on his mat to the house where Jesus was. However, it was so crowded that they couldn’t make their way in. While one may suppose that these friends would just give up and turn away because their mission seemed impossible, Scripture tells us differently.
These friends were determined to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus. They were confident that if they could get him to Jesus, then he would be healed. “So they went up to the roof and took off some tiles. Then they lowered the sick man on his mat down into the crowd, right in front of Jesus” (v.19 NLT). Wow, what persistence! Jesus saw their faith and upon His spoken word, this man “stood up, … took what he had been lying on and went home praising God” (v.25).
Is there someone in your life who could use a friend filled with determination and confidence for their difficult situation? Maybe they’ve lost hope or have become discouraged along the way. God has put you in their lives to assure them that they are not alone. God is calling you to lift them up in your prayers and carry them with your encouraging words. May God see your faith for your friend and heal their circumstances.
“The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much” (James 5:16 AMP)
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