Do you ever feel like your circumstances have IMPOSSIBLE written all over them?
That’s how my husband and I felt when we decided to move from New York to Texas. The decision seemed monumental within itself that we had no idea what the hurdles were going to be like ahead of us. Although he had a great resume, not one company in Texas expressed an interest in him as long as the address was from New York. Which company would want to pay for relocation? So began the process of praying, applying, and waiting … repeat … for TWO years. Fear and doubt began to rear their ugly heads: Did we hear God correctly? Were we really supposed to leave our family, our friends, and all that was familiar to us? How were we supposed to move across the country without a job secured? Suddenly, the whole idea just seemed impossible. However, we decided, “Do or die, we’re going to believe that God will make a way and start packing.”
The Book of 2 Kings shows us someone who may have felt that way, too. In Chapter 2 from verses 1 through 7, we read about the widow whose “husband was revered by the Lord.” Sadly this woman lost her husband and to add insult to injury, she was facing poverty and the prospect of her sons being taken as slaves by a creditor. What was she supposed to do?? We read how she approached the prophet Elisha and shared her situation with him. When he asked her what she had, I can only imagine how embarrassing it must have been for this widow to say that she had nothing “except a little oil.” It must have been even more humiliating for her when the prophet instructed her to go ask neighbors for jars. But it’s clear she was desperate and she did as she was told. Her willingness to put her pride aside, to be transparent, and to trust Elisha’s word took her situation from the impossible to POSSIBLE. These verses show us the miracle of every jar she had being filled with oil, so she could sell it to repay the debts and still have enough for her family to live on what was left.
After the time span I mentioned earlier, my husband was called into the office by his employer and given a promotion. Instead of simply accepting it, my husband was empowered by the Holy Spirit to step out of his comfort zone and openly share our desire to move to Texas. Then, he proceeded to boldly state that he would like to be granted permission to work remotely. Glory be to God, his employer granted his request and that job was the bridge which finally brought us from New York to Texas!
Lord, we thank You that You are able to make a way when we trust Your Word and take a leap of faith.