As I was just making dinner, part of the process involved chopping onions. My youngest daughter caught a whiff of the onions and dashed into the kitchen.
“Mama, are your eyes tearing up? Are you okay?”
I explained that I was just fine as I continued chopping away. Apparently, my answer wasn’t sufficient.
“Mama, I just don’t want your eyes to burn.”
I shared how much I appreciated my sweet girl’s thoughtfulness and assured her that I would be alright as I worked towards finishing up.
I continued by elaborating on the discussion that my daughter and I had earlier today. You see, while we were in school, we realized that if a task was short and easy, there was an eagerness to complete it. However, if the assignment presented as lengthy or difficult, the attitude that presented itself was one of lack of motivation and desire to work on it. In fact, it seemed that the best solution was if it could somehow be avoided altogether.
Not everything which is on our plate will be short and sweet to deal with. There are some assignments that will take some time, some sweat, some tears … and to our surprise, we will learn and grow if we will submit to the process.
At about 17 years of age, Joseph was given two dreams by God in Genesis 37 which symbolized that he would rule and many would bow to him, including his brothers. But that dream did not become a reality until he was about 30 years old. Besides that being quite a long time, it was also a pretty challenging time between being rejected, falsely accused, imprisoned, and forgotten.
But just imagine if Joseph had thrown in the towel in that process because it was too lengthy and difficult. The reality is that Potiphar would have missed out on having a faithful servant, the cupbearer and baker’s dreams would not have been interpreted, Pharaoh’s dream would not have been interpreted, and ultimately, people would have starved and died during the famine without his leadership.
I don’t know what is on your plate: maybe it’s a relationship that seems hopeless or a job that appears to be going nowhere. I’m truly sorry Friend. I can only imagine how difficult it is for you. But I’m reminded of the following saying: “If God will bring you to it, He will bring you through it.”
So rather than giving up, let’s persevere because God’s Word says:
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” (Romans 12:12)
“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Photo Credit: Unsplash