After the birth of each of my children, I was physically exhausted and sleep-deprived. I had just enough energy for feedings, diaper changes, and washing bottles. I still recall how my sister would use every free opportunity she had to spend time with my babies during those instances. From infancy through toddlerhood, my sister could be found on the floor with my kids playing with toys and reading books. Eventually, that time was replaced with movies, fun outings, and laughter-filled conversations. Let’s just say that I have never had to worry about my children being entertained with my sister around.
Through the years of my parenting journey, I have had to establish careful routines due to my kids’ medical concerns. Spreadsheets and lists were my norms to monitor what they eat and how much due to limitations with what they could have. It’s quite a responsibility to entrust to anyone. But a few years ago, my sister and her husband took it on with joy and grace allowing my husband and me to go away for an anniversary trip. Because my sister humbly and genuinely cares for my family and is trustworthy, I know that I don’t have to worry about a thing.
When reading Genesis chapters 39-41, we see these qualities on display in how Joseph worked at Potiphar’s house, in the prison, and at Pharaoh’s palace. In each place, Joseph was eventually entrusted to take care of everything and this is what was said of him: With Joseph there, he (Potiphar, warden, Pharaoh) didn’t worry about a thing.
In Genesis 45:16-20, we learn that Pharaoh instructed Joseph to have his family move to Egypt. As a result of conducting himself with great humility, Joseph was told: “Don’t worry about your personal belongings, for the best of all the land of Egypt is yours.” How encouraging that God sees everything we do and He rewards those who diligently seek Him.
May this encourage us to imitate Christ’s humility as the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians chapter 2:1-11. Value others above yourselves. Do so with compassion. Work together with one purpose – to glorify the Lord, the Name above all names.
Dear Friend, wherever we may be, may the same be said of us: With her there, they didn’t worry about a thing.