“I promise I’ll do it” is a phrase I would constantly repeat in the first year of my marriage. Whether I would be referring to washing the dishes or paying a bill, it was one of those things I would just say.
I am usually a woman of my word. If I say I’ll do it, I’ll do it.
But, it wasn’t long before I realized that what I guaranteed wasn’t being followed through.
Soon after the promise, dirty dishes would be stacked up in the sink and bills would be left unpaid.
Life just got busy, and I realized that I wasn’t keeping my end of the deal. I wasn’t being as dependable as I had hoped, and my husband was noticing.
I was making empty promises.
So, I confessed this to my husband and made an intentional effort to avoid making vows that I couldn’t keep. I decided not to say that particular phrase.
Over and over again in the book of Psalms, we see the writers refer to God’s faithfulness. He never let them down, and they knew they could count on him. When God swore an oath to David that his throne would be established through all generations, that heavenly promise was kept.
God will always keep his word.
It is so easy for us to make empty promises because they are usually stated flippantly, without thinking of what distractions may interfere.
Haven’t you lost focus on things you intended to follow through on?
Have you made a commitment to a friend or family member to finish a project or provide assistance, but got too distracted to follow through?
Have you made a promise to yourself to forgive someone or finish a degree, but life just got in the way?
Remember God’s faithfulness to you, and it will prompt your desire to keep your own vows.
David knew God was faithful and he swore an oath to the Lord to build a dwelling for Him. It was finally accomplished through much time and planning by his son, Solomon.
May we be a people of integrity, so that others will know that they can always count on us.
“if we are faithless,
he remains faithful,
for he cannot disown himself.” 2 Timothy 2:13