I am an essential worker.
On the days I go in to work, my husband quietly waits by the door to pray for me as I lace up my sneakers in the garage.
This has been our routine for the past few months.
We both know that when I leave our safe little fortress, I am about to enter the world where people cough and viruses roam.
He knows the risk I take along with millions of other people who lace up their shoes, raise up their masks, and cover whatever part of their body they can.
But do you know what the first words of his prayer are as he sends me out?
“Lord, thank you for the opportunity You’ve given Betsy to serve today…”
Thankful…for the job when many others have lost theirs.
Thankful…for the chance to provide hope in a time of despair.
Thankful…that in a pandemic, I can still serve others.
Instead of feeling fear and dread as I drive into work, I am filled with gratitude and resolve.
Like David about to meet a giant.
It doesn’t change the situation I’m about to face, but it sets my attitude. I go in with confidence that the battle I will face today belongs to God.
Yes, my husbands prayer does include protection, but he claims Psalms 91 over me like the promise it is. “…I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.” Psalm 91:14 NIV.
Nehemiah was an essential worker.
Thousands of miles away from him homeland of Jerusalem, Nehemiah serves as a prestigious cupbearer to the king.
However, when he hears about the desolation of his home, he resolves to return to his people to help rebuild their wall so that the city remains secure.
He puts down the cup, picks up his tools and with the blessing of the king, takes on the role of builder.
Wait…rewind. Before he picks up the tools, he does one essential thing.
He prays.
With amazing reverence and humility, he asks God to give him success for his venture.
Then, Nehemiah sets out into the real world where his days at work aren’t easy; he faces bullies, conspiracies and injustice. Not to mention the laborious process of wall-building!
Anyone facing those kind of workdays would come home bone- tired, both physically and more importantly, emotionally.
But in the end, he succeeds…because that is what he asked of God before he even got started.
Nehemiah was an essential worker.
And so are you.
For those of you working on the front lines of this pandemic to fight this virus, we salute you!
For those of you trying to figure out the basics of algebra (again) or how to log into your child’s virtual class, we honor you! (My job title today included homeschool mom, and to be honest, today was a tough one!)
Anyone, like me, feeling exhausted?
Tomorrow, before you put on those gloves or pull on your masks or start school with your little one, let’s take care of the essentials.
THANK God for the opportunity to serve and then GIVE God your day. The battle belongs to Him.
*Photo credit to Luke Jones on unsplash.com