It usually happens about once every six months. This time it happened twice in one week.
I got a text, I read an email, someone said something (or didn’t say something)…and like an unexpected kick in the gut, I immediately felt disqualified and unworthy.
“What am I even doing here? I am so unqualified!” I told myself.
As quickly as the enemy began to taunt me and tell me that I didn’t belong, the Holy Spirit began to encourage me.
‘You’re right. You shouldn’t be in that position. I am the one who got you there…and since I’m the one who got you there…your position is secure. You will remain there until I say so.’
The words of Psalm 90:13 solidified God’s words in my heart and even instructed me how to pray about BOTH intimidating situations that had come my way.
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us– yes, establish the work of our hands.”
The Hebrew translation says it this way, “And let the beauty of Yahweh our God (be) upon us…and Yes the work of our hands establish.”
Oh how those words hit home!!!
No one has to tell me how unqualified I am…oh but when the beauty of Yahweh steps into the scene ..now that’s a different story! HIS favor takes over and HE begins to establish the work of my hands!!!
Perhaps you are also facing something that seems so far beyond YOU and YOUR OWN CAPABILITIES…at work, in ministry or even at home.
May the words of Psalm 90:13 become the cry of your heart as it’s become mine. (It’s also a soothing balm for my wounded ego.)
‘And let the beauty of Yahweh our God be upon us…Establish the work of our hands, Lord. Please!!! Establish the work of our hands!’