I have been taking a stroll down memory lane again … as you can see from the photo :) This time I stopped at the very first tragedy my husband and I ever experienced in our marriage. I remember how our hearts were broken and we grieved immensely. The pain seemed to be more than we could bear. It was not how we envisioned our lives would be.
In the midst of that sorrow, a preacher, who did not know what we were walking through, gave a word of encouragement to my husband about the assignment God was calling him to fulfill. The timing didn’t seem to be right to us. We were sad and trying to come to terms with the unexpected loss. However, we knew we desired to be obedient to God. Even though we didn’t understand, we submitted to the prompts of the Holy Spirit and pursued the fulfillment of these instructions with God’s help.
This made me think about Mary. She was a young woman engaged to be married to Joseph. Some of you may remember what those days were like: planning your wedding day, feeling head over heels in love with your fiancee, and dreaming of a wonderful future. How surprised Mary must have been by the unexpected visit of the angel Gabriel! Just imagine how shocked she must have felt when he announced she would give birth to Jesus. Mary was a virgin and engaged to Joseph. How could this be possible?? Yet, her response was, “I am the Lord’s servant, may it be to me as you have said.” (Luke 1:38)
Mary had faith in God and in His plans. She trusted Him to take care of all the details even though it didn’t seem to make any sense. Mary submitted to what God instructed in spite of her own thoughts and feelings. She willingly accepted this word not knowing how Joseph would react or what people around her would say. Mary was someone God could use to fulfill His plan.
It’s easy for our hearts to become fixed on the plans we have for ourselves and the expectations we have of what life should look like. But how do our hearts respond to God when the plans He has for us look different or when our expectations are not met?
Dear Friends, may God help us to:
- respond with faith,
- submit to His plans willingly and
- trust His promise, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) and see how He uses you to fulfill His plan!