“You know a lot of people!”
My kids frequently say this to my husband and I, especially when visiting with family and friends. When we explain how we know each person, as well as the significance of their presence in our lives, a common theme resounds: fellowship.
Rick Warren says, “Fellowship is living in God’s family, loving each other as family, and working together as a family united in Christ’s Church.”
We had the privilege of being raised in a church where its members were ones we thought of as family. Our interactions weren’t just limited to services on Sundays. Every momentous occasion was shared with our church family. In fact, my first birthday was celebrated at the end of a prayer meeting! Not only did we share in each other’s joy and sorrow, but we cared for each other and were hospitable to one another.
We are grateful that we were able to continue to develop authentic relationships when we moved to Texas. Between friends and small groups in our church, we have not only experienced what I described above, but we have been able to see openness and genuineness that challenges us to be more like Christ every day.
The cherry on top is that as a homeschooling family, we have had the privilege of joining a community of families studying the same curriculum. It has been amazing to be on this unique journey with like minded folks. In particular, I felt so fortunate to see how our community gathered over the weekend for its first graduation of seniors. Together, we witnessed graduates celebrating their achievements, their parents blessing them, and our community supporting them.
Often, we fall into the trap of thinking that we are better off alone or having limited interactions with others because there’s too much hassle or drama associated with relationships. But the Bible shows us that there is value in fellowship as it provides encouragement, support, accountability, and demonstrates God’s love to others.
“And let us … not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage one another” (Hebrews 10:24-25)
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor” (Ecclesiastes 4:9)
“Love one another, even as I have loved you” (John 13:34)
“Be hospitable to one another” (1 Peter 4:9)
Life is just much better when we are in fellowship with the family of God!