A couple of years ago I was praying about the direction God wanted me to go for that year.
What I strongly felt was that God wanted me to clear up the clutter and organize my home.
It seemed like a strange request to hear from God. But the more I prayed the stronger I felt it.
You see, clutter was a big part of my life. I’m not sure why, but I felt like it was easier to stack piles of mail and deal with it later, than to put things away as they came through my door.
But what I didn’t realize until later was that the disorganization of my home added a layer of anxiety and chaos to my heart and mind.
So in that year, I finally decided to do something about it. I did my best to do what I could on my own, and when I couldn’t do anymore, I enlisted the help and encouragement of those around me.
In the first and second book of Numbers, God asks something similar of Moses and Aaron. He asks them to take a census in order to organize and mobilize the people of Israel.
You see, it had been one year since they left Egypt. And yet they were still wandering in the desert without a real sense of purpose or direction.
But God needed his people to be organized and ready to be able to take on the promised land.
So per God’s direction, each tribe was methodically counted and aligned in a very specific formation around the tabernacle of God.
And now with an army of more than 600,000 strong, the tribes of Israel were now mobilized and ready to fight.
What is God asking of you in preparation for what He wants to do in your life?
You might be surprised that what He is asking of you is way more practical than spiritual. And it might be the very thing you need to be able to receive what He wants to give you.
I want to encourage you today to take an inventory of your life. Listen and act on what God is asking you to do, because He might just be preparing you for what is about to come.