Last weekend, we were at a wedding.  My daughter started to get restless after sitting quietly for so long.  I pulled out a piece of paper and pen and began playing tic- tack- toe with her to keep her quiet and occupied. She insisted on starting first for each game. She would make the first X or  O and my mind would start churning in efforts to block her future moves.  After a while, I started getting frustrated. (I know, it’s just a game and she’s only 5, but still!) Being on the defensive for each game was starting to get annoying.

Many of us live our lives constantly on the defensive. We’re waiting for the devil’s next attack.  We’re waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak.  We’re waiting for the rug to come out from underneath us.  What an exhausting way to live!

The Bible encourages us to live on the offensive.  God’s word warns us to be sober and vigilant. In the Old Testament, Nehemiah had his men build with one hand and be prepared to fight with the other hand. Ephesians 6 tells us to put on the whole armor of God– and there are no follow up instructions to take it off! We are to be dressed and ready at any moment for the battle that is ahead of us.

When you are prepared for the battle, nothing surprises you.  I know that sounds redundant but just think about it for a minute.  What if you were able to respond calmly to every personal attack that came your way? When you are dressed in the armor of God, you know that you are invincible no matter the outcome of the situation.  When you remain on the defensive, reacting instead of being proactive, you scramble to figure out what is going to happen next.  It’s a chaotic situation to live in.

The Bible makes no promises for a smooth life, but it does tell us how to fight.  Get your X’s and O’s in order because the battle is coming.


by bena
