My friend’s fifteen year old daughter greeted us at the door. Her warm smile took me back. Wow! Talk about a mirror image of her mom. When did this happen?
As I walked into her house, it only took a second for me to notice my friend’s eclectic style was still everywhere. The wall color, the decor, the artwork. It was as if nothing had changed… but oh, so much had changed. My friend passed away three years ago. And being back in her home triggered a flood of memories to resurface and fill my mind.
Weekly play dates with our little ones, birthday parties which usually involved an adventure for the whole family, her love for restaurants with unique dessert options and her multiple attempts to get me to love it too.
It had been years since we lived in the same city, but the distance didn’t matter. When she moved away, she said we would stay close, and we did. She was intentional about being intentional and I so appreciated that about her. But now, three years after her passing, her best friend and I sat in her living room without her. It felt strange. We chatted with her children. They were welcoming, kind and polite. On the way home, her best friend and I agreed, ‘Our friend would have been proud.’
The visit was short but meaningful. God reminded me of what it seems He has been reminding many of us these days.
Life is fleeting. Make the most of every minute.
Just a day after my trip, as God and my YouTube algorithm would have it, Priscilla Shirer’s powerful testimony came up on my newsfeed.
Priscilla spoke of her 38 year old best friend and cousin, Wynter Pitts, who went from planning a movie date with Priscilla at 5pm to “entering eternity” at 6:15pm.
And IN A MOMENT, her cousin had to give an account.
Priscilla shared the following,
‘God is not interested in how many Instagram followers or Facebook friends I had or how many people liked what I posted. He is only going to ask me,
#1 Did I know His Son, Jesus Christ?
And then I’ll have to give an account to the assignment that He called me to.’
To the people He strategically placed in my path, the gifts, talents and resources He divinely saw to it that I possess. What have I done with it all? What have I done with “the thing” God has been nudging me to do?
Priscilla encourages us, ”GIRL, DO THE THING.” Do the thing God is asking you to do.
Don’t think you are young and can do it later. GIRL, DO THE THING NOW.
“You can not judge whether or not you are old or young based on your birth date, it has to be judged based on your death date. If you’re 25 but you only have till you’re 35, you’re pretty old. If you’re 50, but have till you’re 95, you’re pretty young. But since we do not know when He will call us home, we better get busy.”
In Romans 14, Paul tells the church in Rome, “For we will ALL stand before the judgement seat…so then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.”
Friends, it just took a moment for my friend to step out of history and into eternity.…And it will just take a moment for us to do the same. In just one moment we will see our Savior. In just one moment, we too will have to give an account.
So, if your answer to God’s question is “Yes, I know your Son. I know Jesus Christ,” then what are we waiting for?
”GIRL, DO THE THING”- Do the thing God has been asking you to do.