Toys, bed, kitchen, living room…it all belonged to my daughter.
Until one day, her brother came along, and in what seemed like moments, the spotlight was gone.
A few years later, another brother entered the picture and took over her space, monopolizing everything, and now with two people to compete with, she was hungry just to get a word in.
Any firstborn child can relate. “Where do I fit in?”
As the years went by, I started to see the signs of hunger for attention, so I developed a strategy. We decided to do “girl time”, just me and my daughter.
Every 1-2 months, we schedule in two hours of hanging out, eating pastries, shopping, and having serious conversations.
And she loves it. Especially the shopping part.
The best part is, I see her. Like, really see her eyes, her smile, her manners, her generosity with pastries (she willingly shares with me!).
We try to focus on a different topic each time, like kindness or honesty, and while I suspect she really just wants to shop, I know that some of the “important stuff” is sinking in.
Spending time with someone makes you focus on them a little more…their personality, mannerisms, characteristics. You just start to see them better when they are no longer in the background.
When I joined a group of women reading through the Bible in one year, it really felt like a daunting challenge. When I finally made it past Leviticus, I knew I was making a progress. In order to stay accountable to my peers in this project, I had to push through. But, more importantly than making it to the finish line, do you know what I discovered?
I saw him so much better. Even in Leviticus. He loved His people and He had a few things He wanted them to do to better understand His holy nature.
When I intentionally spent time with God, I saw Him in such unique ways all through Scripture. I recognized His nature, His love – even in the discipline of His people, His mercy.
All of that just because I spent a little time.
Where does God fit in your schedule? Make “God Time” an intentional part of your day. I believe every believer should make an effort to read through the entire Bible, even if it takes years.
You will see God in new ways as He reveals His character to you.
Had I allowed my schedule or my boys to crowd out time with my little girl, I would have missed out on sweet memories and time well invested.
One day I will look back and be grateful for our little dates because time was one of the best gifts I could ever have given her.