Have you ever been in a position where you not only love what you do, but you love who you do it with or do it for? Maybe it was a teacher who not only challenged you to learn, but was also a great deal of fun. Or maybe it was a boss who empowered you and valued your work. Maybe it was a teammate who had a great attitude and was cooperative. It just motivates you to get up in the morning and go to work or school, doesn’t it?
But what if it that is not the case? What happens when a new school year comes and your new teacher doesn’t possess those qualities? How do you react when your boss leaves the position and the new boss is difficult to work for? How do you handle yourself when a new teammate joins you and needs help for every single task?
This was the topic of discussion in my home recently. Due to such a change mentioned above, one family member was so upset that they felt it was not worth it to give 100% to their commitment. I heard comments like, “This is not how it used to be.” “It is difficult to work with this new person.” As a result, this affected their countenance, their attitude, and ultimately, their work in a negative way.
It was time for a heart check where the issue stemmed from. We had to ask ourselves if we remain who we are, giving our best to what we are called to do, in spite of who we work for or who we work with.
Esther lived as Queen in the palace in spite of the awareness of Haman’s plan to annihilate her people. Daniel was an official in a foreign land whose rulers demanded different practices for diet and worship. Were either of those circumstances what they were used to or fair? Absolutely not! But each one knew who they were and what they were called to do. They remained faithful, they did their best and ultimately, each of their lives pointed to God and His glory.
May each of us be challenged today to not give less than our best because of a difficult person. Colossians 3:23 (AMP) says, “Whatever you do [whatever your task may be], work from the soul [that is, put in your very best effort], as [something done] for the Lord and not for men”.
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