“God rarely writes short stories. So don’t lose heart, even if the plot seems to grow long.”- Bob Sorge
It’s a pattern we see throughout scripture, God uses all things (even the unpleasant things which make no sense at the time) for our good and for His glory.
Don’t believe me? Let’s look at 2 Kings 9 & 10.
A man by the name of Jehu was ‘sitting around’ with his fellow army officers when a prophet, sent by Elisha, arrived to the scene. The prophet pulled Jehu aside, poured oil on his head and declared, “I anoint you as king over the Lord’s people.”
He then gave Jehu his assignment.
“You are to destroy the house of Ahab, your master…As for Jezebel, dogs will devour her on the plot of ground at Jezreel.”
Pretty dicey assignment, if you ask me. From that point on, Jehu hit the ground running.
The Bible tells us Jehu drove his chariot like a madman in pursuit of overthrowing Joram, the current king of Israel. Jehu drew his bow and shot Joram between the shoulders piercing his heart.
One down, one to go. Jehu is off to see the wicked Queen Jezebel.
When Jezebel heard Jehu was coming, she fixed her hair, applied her eye makeup and looked out her window. Upon Jehu’s request, two eunuchs threw her off the balcony, and just as Elisha predicted, dogs devoured her flesh.
In chapter 10 there is even more bloodshed. It leaves your stomach queasy and your head spinning.
What’s the point? Was all this bloodshed even necessary?
Keep in mind, these events didn’t just happen, this story was over ten years in the making. Turn the pages of your Bible back a bit and you’ll see.
In 1 Kings 21, an incident had occurred involving a vineyard belonging to a man named Naboth. King Ahab wanted to purchase his land but Naboth declined his offer. Queen Jezebel wasn’t used to hearing the word ‘no,’ so she had Naboth murdered. After the death of innocent Naboth, Elijah prophesied disaster upon King Ahab. “I will consume your descendants and cut off from Ahab every last male in Israel.”
Now, more than ten years and several chapters later, Elijah’s prophecy is fulfilled and justice is served. Finally, more than ten years later, it’s all starting to make sense.
“Just when we think God no longer cares. Just when we think God has disappeared on us. Just when we think God has forgotten…God’s justice charges through, like the fury of Jehu’s chariot, rushing forward, fast and furious.” (Denise Hughes)
Whatever you are facing today…if all seems hopeless, remember, God writes long stories. And He’s not done with yours. Make the most of each chapter.
“All things will (eventually) work together for the good of those who love Him.” (Romans 8:28)