I am waiting on a miracle. I have been waiting for a long time- more than a decade.

I won’t go into the details; ultimately, it’s not my story to tell.

When this story started, my faith was strong that this struggle would be brief. I was hopeful, praying and fasting fervently. I asked God what I needed to learn, and God taught me several lessons along the way. Things even seemed to get better, but only for a brief time. My faith began to waver and then was completely lost. The struggle continues years later, and my faith remains stagnant. Recently, I felt convicted to pray about this issue again.

I’ll be honest, my prayer was more like a kid whining for something that they wanted. I questioned why it was taking so long. I reminded God of all of the benefits that could happen if this prayer was answered (as if He didn’t know).

A few days into my petition, I re-read the story of Moses leading his people out of Egypt.

“When Pharoah finally let the people go, God did not lead them along the main road that runs through Philistine territory, even though that was the shortest route to the Promised Land. God said ‘If the people are faced with a battle, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.’ So God led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness toward the Red Sea. Thus the Israelites left Egypt like an army ready for battle” (Ex 13:17-18, NLT)

God intentionally took his people the long way. He knew that they had to build up their endurance to fight the battles that awaited them.

God is leading me the long way through this battle. God may be leading you the long way through your battle as well. Don’t lose faith- your miracle is still waiting for you.

Spoiler alert: The kids end up in the Promised Land after some struggles along the way. As Moses prepares to hand the reigns to the next leader, his words reflect my feelings on this journey:

“And you saw how the Lord your God cared for you all along the way as you travel through the wilderness, just as a father cares for his child. Now he has brought you to this place.” (Deut 1:31, NLT)

No matter how long my journey is or how many turns it takes, God is still carrying me through it. He’s encouraging me, pushing me, carrying me when I don’t have strength- just like a father would during a long journey with his child. And now He has brought me to this place.

This place where I can stand and reflect on all that God has brought me through. This place where I can see his provision. This place where I can testify of his faithfulness.

Yes, I am still waiting on my miracle. But my journey has definitely built my faith. I cannot say that I have loved this journey, but I can say that I am stronger. And you are, too.

by bena
