My son was sick a few weeks ago. He is hardly sick, and we were having a hard time figuring out what was wrong.
All that he could specify was that his stomach was hurting. The nights were especially rough. He was unable to sleep and spent most of the night curled up in a ball in pain. After a day of this, we went to a pediatric urgent care. No relief. Two days later, we went to the ER. Two days later, we were at our pediatrician’s office, and then back again two days after that. Every night I would give him everything that I could to make him comfortable and every night we would be awake with no relief. During one of those nights, he was crying and said, “You’re supposed to make this better. You’re not helping me!”
My heart sank. I tried to explain to him that I had given him everything that I could and done everything that I knew to do to make him comfortable. I told him that it would take time for his body to heal. It didn’t matter. His reality was that he was still hurting and I was standing idly.
A few days later as he started to feel like himself again, I was watching him play and his words came back to haunt me. I thought of all the times that I had said those exact words to my heavenly father. “God, you are not helping me. You were supposed to make this go away.” How many times did I doubt that His presence was walking with me through those rough times? How many times did I doubt His sovereignty over every situation in my life?
Can I encourage you that He sees you? He knows your every struggle. He knows the strength that you need and He will supply it. ~ Shiney
P.S. This picture was taken on a celebratory outing after we had been cleared by our doctors. He couldn’t wait to dive in to a donut and chocolate milk to celebrate feeling better!