I love this photo of my girls in matching jumpsuits. Well … almost. I should have been in that pic also. Now before you conclude that I have issues with vanity and narcissism, let me explain.
As soon as school was over, my family and I left for vacation. It was the first time my children were going on a cruise. We were all so excited. But I will admit that I felt a tad bit nervous as I considered the possibility of my kids becoming sick. What would we do? We were going to be so far away from the children’s hospital. But we took those worries to the Lord in prayer and we forged ahead.
We made our lists. We shopped. We planned our outfits. I was particularly enthused by that process because my daughters found the blue floral jumpsuit and insisted that us girls all buy the same one. So off we went sailing into the sunset.
This was my fourth time cruising and we always had great experiences. So you can only imagine my surprise when I became ill with motion sickness while on an excursion at our first port. This had never happened to me before. Nevertheless, I recovered quickly and dismissed it as a fluke.
Except I grew ill the next day after visiting the second port. My girls and I had planned to wear our floral jumpsuits to dinner that night. But I couldn’t hold anything down and I was laid up in bed for the next 24 hours. Not only did I miss being in that photo, but I also missed visiting our final port.
Disappointment and sadness began to flood in. How could this have happened? I mean, we had prayed and been well prepared.
As I began to wallow, two things happened. First, I was reminded that there is no formula for perfection. All we can ever do is trust and pray, do our best, and leave it in the hands of the Lord. There will be events that occur which are beyond our control. Not only is God aware of it all, but He is also with us through it all.
Second, I felt a prompting from the Lord to be grateful. Grateful? For what?? This was not what we had signed up for. But as I submitted to this prompting, I realized that I did have much to be grateful for. In spite of the sickness, this vacation was full of time well spent for us as a couple, for my kids as siblings, and for the five of us as a family. More importantly, my children did not get ill and that right there is a whole lot to be grateful for!
Pastor Clint Hatton of Gates Church encourages that “when we are faced with unmet expectations, frustration, wanting our way, bitterness and/or disappointment, we are to worship and be grateful. The secret to victory is focusing on the blessings.”
“For I’m trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or in hunger. And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.” (Phillippians 4:13 The Passion Translation)
Therefore my Friend, “Let joy be your continual feast. Make your life a prayer. And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 TPT)